Saturday, June 15, 2013

Looper - 2012 - 4 Stars

Actors:  Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis
Director:  Rian Johnson

Looper is a time-travel movie that doesn't give you a ton of exposition, and films that toss you around like this tend to either improve or get worse on a second watch.  They improve when the characterization deepens and the plot's elegance becomes more apparent, they get worse when the characters appear flat and so the resolution to the story is a mere formality.

One of the excellent things about Looper is that it feels lived in - elements of the story which are not particularly important and aren't fully explained are still present in the film.  This happens in just about every film, but we typically ignore it because it's information we already know.  It's more vital for films set in the future to attempt this - it's too easy for a director to focus just on things present in the story, without explaining the world at large.