Monday, February 20, 2012

Videodrome - 1983 - 4 Stars

Actors: James Woods, Sonja Smits
Director: David Cronenberg

There's not much separating Videodrome from a film ripe for Mystery Science Theater 3000. In fact, maybe there's nothing at all, except that Videodrome is fascinating and the movies shown on MST3K are terrible. Still, Videodrome has many of the hallmarks of the B-picture - homemade special effects, outlandish sci-fi, and a loose grip on the way people actually think and act. Regardless, David Cronenberg has total confidence in his vision of a paranoid cable TV executive who sees potential profit in an underground movie, and the consequences that follow therefrom. It's difficult not to respect an auteur's vision when he's clearly made exactly what he set out to do.

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