Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Getaway - 1972 - 4 Stars

Actors:  Steve McQueen, Ali MacGraw
Director:  Sam Peckinpah

Note:  Very Minor Spoilers

A film directed by Peckinpah and written by Walter Hill, while watching it I felt that two testicles simply wasn't enough - all male viewers of this film should be issued an extra ballsack to hang under their existing one.  At the very least, all theatergoers should've been given a Stetson.  Regardless, this was still quite an enjoyable film, featuring some excellent setpieces and tension building.

Even though this film is unnecessarily long at 123 minutes, I like the strange twists and turns at the margins.  There are Buffalo films like Cabin In The Woods, and then there's anti-Buffalo ones like this, featuring bizarre scenes with Virgil Salazzo coercing a veterinarian to clean a gunshot wound while he has a kitten perched on his naked chest.  Sometimes unnecessary scenes - the development of secondary characters, or interactions between our main characters and people who have no bearing on the plot - suggest life how it's lived.

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